The following is a true story by a student in the orphanage, Mapendo Hawa, with assistance from a staff member, Sofiya Tambwe. Translation from Swahili to English by David Mtange.
I was feeling so shy on my fist week in the orphanage, after a month Grand David told Aunty SOSO to go with me at the hospital, I did not know that I was ill, after that I was given medications to take at home, later Grand David came to tell me that I was suffering from malnutrition illness. I did not know what maturation was about, after days later I came to discover that I was eating so bad and sleeping hungry and bitten with several insects at my village, I was sleeping in bad conditions there.
It is in the orphanage where I slept on mattresses for my first time since I was born, when I arrived here my skin was so rough but now it has become smooth comparing to before. Tate Julienne was washing me every day morning before, but now I am able to wash my body by myself.
My grandmother and I did not know Jesus nor how to pray, my grandmother was going to a small jungle closer to her house each evening, where she was talking with unknown people, myself I could only hear the sounds of people, when I ask her whom have you been talking with? She was answering that she was talking with God. While living here in the orphanage I came to discover that my grandmother was talking with demons. Because there is no God in the jungle apart from God father who is in heaven and Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Spirit who is with us forever. I love Jesus for He saved me from the danger of life.
I did not know how to present my request before God, for the first time I was advised to pray for God to open a door for me to join school permanently. During the prayer time in the orphanage with my orphanage fellows and even in the room, I was always praying in my own language mentioning this words:
Which means: God father open the door for me to join school with others I pray and believe in Jesus name Amen
I was also told to pray for Oceanside church which was intending to support us at school, when I heard from Grand David that our request was answered and our school will be paid by Oceanside Church for a year on, my heart loved Jesus a lot, after that I was told to go to school. At that time my heart was so happy, on our first day at school, during the break time myself and other orphanage fellows went a side in a small playground at our school, jumping for joy for our school to be paid.
I am working hard to pass my exams which is coming from the start of December, my teacher has also been telling me that I am working good in the class, she also told Hosea that there is hope for me to pass to the next class. I am so thankful and always praying for our sponsors.
Thank you all