Newsletter – December 2014

Newsletter – December 2014

xmasChristmas at the Orphanage:

  • No gifts
  • No dessert
  • Their special treat is the annual bottle of pop
  • Maybe a second shirt if they receive extra support
  • Temperature around 34 degrees (Celsius)
  • Ends with a swim in the lake

Fiscal Responsibility

fiscal chart

We commit to keep our fundraising expenses to a minimum and will ensure that your donations make it to the children.

Because the children have no toys or electronic gadgets, they have to invent games to keep themselves entertained. Yet, they never seem bored and constant laughter fills the air.

Because the children have no toys or electronic gadgets, they have to invent games to keep themselves entertained. Yet, they never seem bored and constant laughter fills the air.

Christmas day, like most other hot days, ends with a swim at the lake. The lake is less that a 5 minute walk from the orphanage.

Christmas day, like most other hot days, ends with a swim at the lake. The lake is less that a 5 minute walk from the orphanage.










The main meal at Christmas time is usually rice, beans and lengalenga - a wild spinach grown at the orphanage. This does not differ much from other meals, but no complaints as having a meal is seen as a privilege.

The main meal at Christmas time is usually rice, beans and lengalenga – a wild spinach grown at the orphanage. This does not differ much from other meals, but no complaints as having a meal is seen as a privilege.

Cooking for the Christmas meal is a daunting task on a charcoal fire. Charcoal is slow, expensive and not sustainable, as is attested to by the barren mountains where most of the trees have gone into charcoal. We are looking at an alternative cooking source.

Cooking for the Christmas meal is a daunting task on a charcoal fire. Charcoal is slow, expensive and not sustainable, as is attested to by the barren mountains where most of the trees have gone into charcoal. We are looking at an alternative cooking source.










Please consider sponsoring a child this Christmas.

To donate, please go to our websites listed below:, or